
Skin firming

Non-surgical face lift:
Univers NuFace treatments

As we age, the skin and body gradually produce fewer molecules that actively contribute to cell renewal and skin tone such as elastin, collagen or hyaluronic acid.

This decline in production has many consequences, such as the appearance of wrinkles, sagging, loss of skin volume and more.

The face is one of the first parts of the body to be exposed to, and therefore affected by, skin aging. It is also where aesthetic problems are the most noticeable and therefore a source of insecurities.

To address this, Univers NuFace offers a full range of treatments and procedures that will help you firm up your skin without having to resort to surgery.


Thermage uses radiofrequency and thermal wave diffusion to treat or prevent sagging skin. These can reduce age-related signs and improve skin tone in order to unify the lines of the face.
This treatment’s advantage lies in the fact that its benefits are both preventive and curative. It will restore skin elasticity and tone while preventing sagging skin and the appearance of signs of aging.
Learn more about Thermage treatment


InstaTyte is a skin firming treatment suitable for all skin types that can be performed on any part of the body. The technology used aims to partially contract and denature collagen in a safe manner using thermal energy released by the pulsation of intense infrared light.
With this treatment, the skin regains elasticity and firmness for a younger look.
Learn more about InstaTyte treatment.

Skin firming: practical advice

Skin sagging and the gradual loss of skin elasticity appear in your thirties. Essentially, the body begins to reduce its production of certain molecules including collagen and elastin during this period. Although this phenomenon is slow and progressive, it is responsible for the appearance of certain signs of aging. At this point, skin begins to sag and wrinkles appear.
This natural phenomenon is also exacerbated by certain external factors such as stress, fatigue and lack of sleep, as well as alcohol, cigarettes, etc. which are sources of oxidative stress. The latter occurs when molecules called “free radicals” are produced by the body and attack cellular structures, including those that give the skin its smooth, youthful appearance.
If you want to prevent the loss of skin firmness, we recommend halting the consumption of certain substances that are harmful to skin health such as cigarettes or alcohol. Also avoid overexposing your skin to the sun since it is very hostile to your skin and promotes premature aging.
Also strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and get regular physical activity. This will be just as beneficial for your body’s health as for your skin.

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Univers Nuface is committed to supporting its patients in their goals by creating a relationship based on trust and a focus on well-being.

Contact our clinic in Laval in the Greater Montreal area and get a free consultation.

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